Objectives and Themes

Forum on artificial intelligence in government work is a valuable opportunity to review plans in light of crises and offer remote work systems and benefit from experiences in running public utilities that constitute the leaders ’requirement and are in line with the general strategy of the state

The objectives of the forum are:

الملتقى العربي بعنوان " التحول من المبادرات الى برامج المسؤولية الاجتماعية
ملتقى أفضل ممارسات برامج المسؤولية الاجتماعية

Forum Themes:

1- The role of artificial intelligence in improving government services.
2- Using artificial intelligence to improve productivity and employment processes in the government sector.
3- Analyzing big data using artificial intelligence to enhance government decision-making.
4- Employing robots and automated controllers in government work.
5- The ethics of artificial intelligence and the legal and security challenges related to it.
6- Digital transformation and its impact on the government sector.
7- The role of artificial intelligence in improving the security and defense of the state.
8- The role of artificial intelligence in promoting sustainable development and achieving the development goals of government agencies.

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